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Please request your prescription through the form below or by email (see instructions below).  For safety reasons we are unfortunately unable to take requests for prescriptions by telephone.

Prescriptions will be sent via our courier service to your home unless otherwise requested.

You will receive email confirmation once the prescription is complete and sent to the pharmacy


NON-MEMBERS will be charged £30 for their prescription


Alternatively you can request by email at:

You MUST include:

  • Name

  • DOB

  • Name of Medication

  • Dose (e.g.10mg)

  • Frequency (e.g. 1 tablet twice a day)

  • Quantity (state - "as much as possible" unless you need less)a

  • Urgency - Today/Friday/By next week etc..

e.g. Paracetemol 500mg tablets,

2 tablets four times a day,

Supply 3 months

Required by Friday

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